Winchester Community Library

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Place an Interlibrary Loan Request

Only use this form to request items NOT available through Evergreen.  Please check the Evergreen website first before filling out this form for an interlibrary loan request.  Patrons do not need to fill out this form for items that can be requested directly through Evergreen. 

The library makes an effort to fill all requests, however, no guarantee is made of fulfillment of any Interlibrary Loan request.  

Please make an effort to provide accurate and complete title and author information. 

Interlibrary loan requests are delivered to the WCL twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays.  Requests are usually filled in one to two weeks, but may take several weeks for more obscure materials.  Only books may be requested through Interlibrary Loan.  

Patrons who have excessive fines or who fail to return ILL materials in a timely manner may be barred from making future ILL requests.  

The fine on overdue ILL materials is 25 cents per day. 

PLAC card holders must make interlibrary loan requests through their home libraries.

Interlibrary Loan Request Form